My name is Mieke.

I’ve been a fitness fanatic for more than 25 years, but the last 10 years I’ve completely dedicated myself to yoga. If only I had known earlier how beneficial yoga is for both body and mind—I definitely would have chosen yoga for all those years. Luckily, it is never too late to start practicing it. In february 2016, I left Belgium to go to Goa/India for a spiral yoga psychology program and that planted the seed for me to delve deeper into yoga.

Many people think of yoga as difficult poses where you have to twist yourself into all sorts of awkward positions. But that’s not what yoga is about.

First and foremost, it’s a way of life—of becoming more conscious of your body and your limits, and bringing your mind to peace.

It's not about getting into the poses.
Its about removing what's in the way of the poses.

In early 2017, I earned my diploma in Hatha yoga at Yogalife Alliance. This is a registered yoga school (RYS200) and is recognized by Yoga Alliance.